Category: <span>Jesuit</span>

An identity-based sensibility blinds Fr. James Martin, SJ, to a social contagion harming the vulnerable minds of children and leading to the mutilation of healthy bodies and genitals. “How far your eyes may pierce I can not tell: Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” King Lear Act 1:4:368-69 Albany…

Catholic church Critical queer theory featured Jesuit Sex and Gender

The Jesuit’s bridge for “LGBTQ” Catholics and the church is constructed with new rules of discourse that use “respect, compassion, and sensitivity” to queer doctrine regarding marriage and the family. Part 1: The First Step Is Changing Words A company of Catholic academics and their allies aim to queer Catholic…

Catholic church Critical queer theory featured Jesuit Sex and Gender

An essay written in 2020 by a Fordham University professor demonstrates that moral intimidation is the chosen means by which today’s Jesuit educators combat whiteness. Part 1: The Truth in 69 Seconds An increasingly hysterical white woman with her dog in Central Park; the black man recording her behavior with…

Critical race theory featured High School Jesuit Racism

A Jesuit educator weaves Critical Race Theory into Catholic Social Teaching; another priest demonstrates why, then, your children now have the devil to pay. Argument: Jesuit students naturally begin as a band of brothers dedicating their lives to defeating the enemy—injustice.  In the new Jesuit Antiracism schools, whose trinity is…

High School Jesuit Racism