The Jesuit School – Ensnared in the Postmodern World

“Civilization requires confidence, confidence in the society in which one lives, belief in its philosophy, belief in its laws,…” The truth is “however complex and solid it seems,” civilization is “actually quite fragile, it can be destroyed.” Kenneth Clark, from “The Skin of Our Teeth” in his 13-part series Civilisation

“Civilization requires confidence, confidence in the society in which one lives, belief in its philosophy, belief in its laws,…” The truth is “however complex and solid it seems,” civilization is “actually quite fragile, it can be destroyed.” Kenneth Clark, from “The Skin of Our Teeth” in his 13-part series Civilisation

Daniel’s Bad Think

The Model Jesuit Educator Calls Out Your Child’s White Privilege

An essay written in 2020 by a Fordham University professor demonstrates that moral intimidation is the chosen means by which today’s Jesuit educators combat whiteness. Part 1: The Truth in 69 Seconds An increasingly hysterical white woman with her dog in Central Park; the black man recording her behavior with his phone: The 69-second video of that Memorial Day incident went viral, flared up for a week or two, then retreated into the general chaos of the summer of George Floyd, whose fatal encounter with police in Minneapolis happened later that evening.  The confrontation of two unrelated people with the…

Fr. Martin’s Bridge, Pt. 1: Crossing into Critical Queer Catholicism

The Jesuit’s bridge for “LGBTQ” Catholics and the church is constructed with new rules of discourse that use “respect, compassion, and sensitivity” to queer doctrine regarding marriage and the family. Part 1: The First Step Is Changing Words A company of Catholic academics and their allies aim to queer Catholic doctrine regarding Christian anthropology, marriage, and the family by transforming Catholic discourse. Under the influence of postmodernism’s Critical theories, these Catholics – “thinking not as God does, but as human beings do” – divide the church community into identity groups. To achieve what diversity, equity, and inclusion has already accomplished…

Fr. Martin’s Bridge, Pt. 2: The March of the Gender Unicorns

An identity-based sensibility blinds Fr. James Martin, SJ, to a social contagion harming the vulnerable minds of children and leading to the mutilation of healthy bodies and genitals. “How far your eyes may pierce I can not tell: Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” King Lear Act 1:4:368-69 Albany to Goneril Part 1: The Most Marginalized Group in the Church Today Fr. Martin, who normally assigns the superlative designation to LGBTQ Catholics as a whole, has recently raised to premier victim status the T, declaring transgendered persons “surely the most marginalized group in the church today.”  The buzzword marginalized, springing from Critical theories,…

Daniel’s Bad Think

The Model Jesuit Educator Calls Out Your Child’s White Privilege

An essay written in 2020 by a Fordham University professor demonstrates that moral intimidation is the chosen means by which today’s Jesuit educators combat whiteness. Part 1: The Truth in 69 Seconds An increasingly hysterical white woman with her dog in Central Park; the black man recording her behavior with his phone: The 69-second video of that Memorial Day incident went viral, flared up for a week or two, then retreated into the general chaos of the summer of George Floyd, whose fatal encounter with police in Minneapolis happened later that evening.  The confrontation of two unrelated people with the…

Fr. Martin’s Bridge, Pt. 1: Crossing into Critical Queer Catholicism

The Jesuit’s bridge for “LGBTQ” Catholics and the church is constructed with new rules of discourse that use “respect, compassion, and sensitivity” to queer doctrine regarding marriage and the family. Part 1: The First Step Is Changing Words A company of Catholic academics and their allies aim to queer Catholic doctrine regarding Christian anthropology, marriage, and the family by transforming Catholic discourse. Under the influence of postmodernism’s Critical theories, these Catholics – “thinking not as God does, but as human beings do” – divide the church community into identity groups. To achieve what diversity, equity, and inclusion has already accomplished…

Fr. Martin’s Bridge, Pt. 2: The March of the Gender Unicorns

An identity-based sensibility blinds Fr. James Martin, SJ, to a social contagion harming the vulnerable minds of children and leading to the mutilation of healthy bodies and genitals. “How far your eyes may pierce I can not tell: Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” King Lear Act 1:4:368-69 Albany to Goneril Part 1: The Most Marginalized Group in the Church Today Fr. Martin, who normally assigns the superlative designation to LGBTQ Catholics as a whole, has recently raised to premier victim status the T, declaring transgendered persons “surely the most marginalized group in the church today.”  The buzzword marginalized, springing from Critical theories,…
