Fr. Isaac Jogues, SJ
Fr. Jogues was born in France in 1607. After his ordination, he joined other Jesuits traveling to North America to work for the conversion and welfare of the natives. While living with the Hurons, Fr. Jogues, caught up in tribal warfare, was captured by the Mohawks, where he was tortured according to the manner of the time. After a year’s captivity and minus two fingers, he escaped and left for France. Returning to the Mohawks in 1646, he was killed by one with a tomahawk.
Here you’ll find a listing of my personal Bad Think as each is added to the site.
Fr. Martin’s Bridge, Pt. 2: The March of the Gender Unicorns
An identity-based sensibility blinds Fr. James Martin, SJ, to a social contagion harming the vulnerable minds of children and leading to the mutilation of healthy bodies and genitals. “How far your eyes may pierce I can not tell: Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” King Lear Act 1:4:368-69 Albany to Goneril Part 1: The Most Marginalized Group in the Church Today Fr. Martin, who normally assigns the superlative designation to LGBTQ Catholics as a…
Fr. Martin’s Bridge, Pt. 1: Crossing into Critical Queer Catholicism
The Jesuit’s bridge for “LGBTQ” Catholics and the church is constructed with new rules of discourse that use “respect, compassion, and sensitivity” to queer doctrine regarding marriage and the family. Part 1: The First Step Is Changing Words A company of Catholic academics and their allies aim to queer Catholic doctrine regarding Christian anthropology, marriage, and the family by transforming Catholic discourse. Under the influence of postmodernism’s Critical theories, these Catholics – “thinking not as…
The Model Jesuit Educator Calls Out Your Child’s White Privilege
An essay written in 2020 by a Fordham University professor demonstrates that moral intimidation is the chosen means by which today’s Jesuit educators combat whiteness. Part 1: The Truth in 69 Seconds An increasingly hysterical white woman with her dog in Central Park; the black man recording her behavior with his phone: The 69-second video of that Memorial Day incident went viral, flared up for a week or two, then retreated into the general chaos…
Jesuit Schools Reach for Diversity and Grasp the Intellectual Conformity of Public Schools
The culturally orthodox “core values” of Jesuit schools exhibit their solidarity with the educational elite, whose ideas and policies continue to harm generations of students in public schools. Part 1: Brophy College Prep Seeks an English Teacher While the telos – or aim– of education has always been the cultivation of the virtues, Jesuit antiracist schools have elevated as “core values” the prevailing culture’s mantra of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Unlike the virtues, which are…
Say Goodbye to the All-Boys Jesuit High
The most fundamental terms associated with the family — “woman” and “man” — cannot survive undistorted when Jesuit schools mix Critical theories into Catholic Social Teaching. Part 1: The Re-education of the Straight Male Less than a decade after redefining — and neutering — the institution of marriage to enable husband to marry husband and wife to marry wife, adults continue to sow confusion into the lives of children with the pretense that “man” and…
Antiracism Is the New Good News at Your Jesuit High School
Parents pay upwards of $20,000 annually for the political indoctrination of their children by Jesuit educators intent on transforming them into antiracists. Part 1: The Jesuits Adopt the Gospel of Antiracism Parents looking to a Jesuit school as an alternative to the Marxist cultural indoctrination found in schools ought not assume that a Catholic institution is immune from the temptation to use children to advance a political project. If that Catholic institution is a Jesuit…
The Gender Chisel: Jesuit Schools at the Cutting Edge of Diversity
Your child attends a Catholic high school celebrating the diversity of gender. Are the bureaucrats writing diversity statements naive, ignorant, or advocates? Argument: The Jesuit Provinces treat the Critical Theory concepts of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as though they were themselves virtues, rather than what they are—a benign disguise activating visceral political appetites. Jesuit colleges and universities have been fully participating in this secular “social justice” political project for many years, willingly allowing Critical Theory…
The Circular Firing Squad Arrives at Jesuit Antiracism School
A Jesuit educator weaves Critical Race Theory into Catholic Social Teaching; another priest demonstrates why, then, your children now have the devil to pay. Argument: Jesuit students naturally begin as a band of brothers dedicating their lives to defeating the enemy—injustice. In the new Jesuit Antiracism schools, whose trinity is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the band of brothers discovers that they are in fact diverse identities, and some of those identities are aligned with and…
In the Name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Amen.
Critical Race Theory necessarily insinuates itself into every Jesuit school that incorporates diversity, equity, and inclusion within its educational mission. Argument: Jesuit provinces in North America have made a serious error by blending Catholic Social Teaching with a postmodern academic culture inimical to Christianity, to liberty, and to justice, an error that undermines its educational mission. We live in an America shaped by the postmodern culture of The Academy’s institutions of higher education, a culture…